Monday, October 4, 2010

Design Success and Failure in Relation to Syntactical Guidelines

I chose this poster design to demonstrate failure in relation to syntactical guidelines. Despite the poster being titled the "Colours of India, I feel this poster fails in bringing to life the vibrant culture that India is, for example the muted colors don't seem to portray the bright colors that are often found in Indian design and textiles. Also, the balance is a bit off especially in the bottom right hand corner where there is a vast empty space while the other corners are cluttered with information. The leveling and sharpening of images and text is a little disturbing to the eyes because it's too busy. While the black image in the middle should stand out, the grayness and text within kind of mute it. I can't figure out what to focus on, or what the emphasis is. The grouping is imbalanced. Some of the text is left justified while others are centered.

I chose this poster as a success in relations to syntactical guidelines. Just as the previous poster, this one is advertising an event. I feel the energy of this poster is geared towards designers. The grungy colors and muted, earthy colors would attract not only designers, but probably get the attention of someone walking past. It's very modern and up to date. The design is balanced out with the text in the negative space. The eye is drawn back and forth and doesn't linger to heavy on one side or the other. I feel the eyes are drawn in by the dark green and then goes towards the center to see what the event is. All the main information to draw someone in is grouped together in the center and if the viewer is interested in more information, that is provided at the bottom, grouped together. The main focal point is the design to draw the person in.

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