Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Visual Techniques

  • Complexity
  • Intricacy
  • Exaggeration
  • Activeness
  • Spontaneity
  • Balance
  • Depth
  • Diffusion

  •  Asymmetry
  • Simplicity
  • Economy
  • Understatement
  • Predictability
  • Activeness
  • Flatness
  • Sharpness
These two designs are similar and yet very different. The first one is very complex with intricate details. There's movement and unpredictability in the design, like an explosion waiting to happen and yet, it's balanced with the placement in the center. Asymmetric with the light and the darkness of the colors. There's depth has if it's floating in space. Diffusion with no sharp lines. As for the second one, asymmetry can be seen. Simplicity with the shapes. Sharp lines that define the shapes. Activeness with movement and direction. The direction it which it goes, or comes is predictable. Flatness in the color of the shapes. These two designs use various visual techniques to accomplish an awesome design.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Week 11 : Contrast

This is an example of good contrast used in a poster. The contrast between the tone and color of the images in the background and the text indicate which takes priority. If they were the same tone and and hue, it would be hard to distinguish the difference. Also the contrast between the size of the text gives variety and brings direction to the text (flows downward). Also, the background is very creative. Poster looks like its printed on a notebook with very raw hand sketches. Also the lighter background and the darker text create a sort of contrast in depth.

This is an example of a bad poster design that has no contrast to bring out the important information. There is no contrast in depth. The way the white text is just place all over with no given space closes everything together making it look rather flat. There is no contrast in color or tone. The white text kind of flushes together and the tone doesn't bring any depth. There is a little contrast in size when it comes to the text but aside from the huge '30' all the text kind of merges together. Also using so many different type fonts detracts from the poster and it is rather hard to read.

[IMAGE CREDIT: Graphic Design && Big 30]

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Movement & Motion

This is a flow chart that demonstrates movement. To navigate the information on this chart the viewer has to move around to find the flow and information, it could also be seen as movement through an environment.  Also event perception can be seen here. One thing happens and then flows to the next to show new information. Apparent movement can also be seen through the arrows that are used to direct the movement. The information flows from the left to the right and not the other way around but the viewer is still able to go back and look up other information.

This is a online photo gallery. The arrangement of the images with the arrows and such make it so that the viewer is in control of the environment and allows them to participate. The arrow and the flow of it implies there's a movement. Also, event perception can be seen here. When the arrows displayed shows the images moving back and forth narrating what is happening to the previous images while the image selected is bigger than the others. There is apparent movement when the images slide over to the next image.

[IMAGE CREDIT: Flow Chart & Photo Gallery]